Wednesday, June 17, 2009

my own shape

here is my own shape using MSW logo

example of resizable shapes(triangle and rectangle)

how to make a resizable shape

In order to make a resizable shape you have to be make a normal shape and type in the equation for a normal shape and then change the part were you put foward into a name and next to the name type a number.
For example for a triangle it would look like this:
to trianglez :daniela3
rt 270 repeat 3 [fd :daniela3 rt 120]

rotated shape

in order to make this shape you have to use the equation of repeat 6 [square lt 60]and put "to
end" after wards you can call it whatever you want to.

how to do a triangle

in order to make this triangle you have to use o0rders which are
rt 270 repeat 3 [fd 90 rt 120] but before putting in this shape you have to put "to triangle" and then "to end" at the end


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

how to do a shape in MSW logo

You have to use commands in order to make your shape.

If you want to make a square big as 90 degrees, you can make it easier so it wouldn't be to much work you just write inside edall : repeat 4[fd 90 rt 90]. fd-foward, rt-rigth and after you write end and click file save exit and when you are going to get out click flie save

If you want to make a triangle you write : rt 270 repeat 3 [fd 90 rt 120] and then you put it in edall